Scalars 2013 > Welcome to Scalars 2013


The conference "Scalars 2013" will be jointly organized by the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw and the Polish Physical Society in Warsaw in September 2013. The meeting will take place near the main campus of the University of Warsaw at the Faculty of Modern Languages. The conference will start on the evening, September 12 (reception and registration) and finish on September 16 (late afternoon).

The conference "Scalars 2013", being a continuation of "Scalars 2011", is supposed to be a forum to discuss various aspects of physics of scalar particles and scalar fields. These topics include:

  1. Standard Model Higgs boson
  2. Multi-Higgs Models
  3. Fundamental scalars in supersymmetric extensions of the SM
  4. New scalars implied by extensions of the SM gauge group
  5. Scalars and neutrino masses
  6. Elementary scalars within extra dimensions
  7. Composite Higgs bosons
  8. Higgs bosons on the lattice
  9. Scalars in cosmology (dark matter, baryogenesis, inflatons, axions, quintesence)
  10. Experimental search for scalar particles (LHC, ILC, low energy experiments)